RAISE up people in christ | REIGN in life | REACH our world
God is Good
God’s word is truth - cover to cover
All provision for man is in Jesus Christ
In Christ we are now reconciled to God
We have unbroken fellowship with God
Through Christ we can all live victorious
We have the Holy Spirit to help us & empower us
It is not God’s will that any should perish
We are called to bring light and truth to this world
With that in mind you can expect a high energy time of Praise and Worship, as well as a highly energized time in the Word. We promise you will leave different than when you arrived. The atmosphere is a Spirit of Faith and in that atmosphere anything is possible. We believe in allowing the Spirit of God to minister as he wills in any given service. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and there is Freedom.
We know the work is a great work. The cause is a great cause. And God is continuing to send great people with hungry hearts to be a part of something great!